Flights of Fantasy

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

P.S. I Love You – Cecelia Ahern

P.S. I Love You – Cecelia AhernCategory: General Fiction/Life

I will start out by saying that this is not my usual sort of book. I bought it in a three for two offer when I needed another book to make up my three. I am so glad I did.

This is a story about a couple that were made for each other – soul mates.

Holly and Gerry are childhood sweethearts, married and looking forward to the rest of their lives together. Sadly, this is not to be a long time as Gerry is diagnosed with a brain tumour and dies leaving Holly alone, devastated and, at 29, facing the rest of her life without him.

A couple of months after Gerry’s death Holly discovers that he has left her a packet of letters, one a month for the next 10 months. Each one designed to help Holly go on with her life, each one ending with the line ‘P.S. I Love You’

This is a story about learning to live with, and live after, loss. Anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one will recognise some, or all, of the stages that Holly goes through in the course of this book. It deals with the process of learning to live again, of learning to deal with everyday life without that person in your life anymore, and it does it in a sensitive, poignant and funny way. It had me laughing and crying at the same time. It also made me think about how I would feel if I lost my partner and he has had a lot more hugs since I read it.

From looking at the cover and reading the back, and even this review, you would conclude that this is a ‘girly’ book, and in many ways, it is. However, I think there are many men out there who could learn a lot from it too, if they could find it in them to read it.

This is the first novel from Cecelia Ahern and I look forward to reading her next one. Additionally, according to the blurb inside, Warner Brothers are currently adapting it into a film. It may be worth looking out for if it is done well.

Rating: 8/10


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